(Insert car screeching to a halt noises)

Woah there! Hello! 2022 is shaping up to be a wild year (in a good way) here at the shop!
If you didn't already know, I do a wide range of stuffs and usually when one is slower another avenue usually picks up. Currently that's not the case and I'm pretty backlogged. After some thought I've decided to temporarily pause my online stores. This includes Etsy and eBay.
The pause will allow me the time I need to focus on finishing projects and a few other key things I've wanted to update. I also really need to catch up on some of the maintenance work I've been neglecting on my machines (For example, the QIDI's RH extruder needs a complete overhaul after the last "art incident"...). ((And I already had to fix an oops I did on my XCP...))
I expect everything to be back online in early to mid June.
I'm not gone, just regrouping to focus for a minute and be in a better place to take on the rest of the year! Feel free to message me if you need a gas cap lanyard or something else while the store is offline.
And just cuz, here's a picture of doggo being goofy in her pillow fort.