Look, it's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's a fun thing to print from Thingiverse!!!
Seriously, I probably like this bowl more than I should... But come on, look at it!!!
Thanks goes to the original designer, edoesaine
Printed in Zyltech Rainbow PLA http://www.zyltech.com/zyltech-rainbow-3d-printer-filament-1-75-mm-1-kg-2-2-lbs/
On my first printer, the Flashforge Creator Pro with Micro Swiss all metal hotends. (affiliate links)
(yes, I see it didn't rainbow much but I really like the color, kinda reminds me of a neural network) ((I like that, motion carries, I'm not calling it the "Neural Network Bowl.")) (((Can I get more punctuation marks in a sentence?!?!?@#$<><_)))
Woah. OK, I think I've had enough coffee for today now... 😎
LOOK AT IT!!! (ok, done now, for real, thanks for playing!)

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