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Writer's pictureMakerneer

Exciting news - Empire Abrasives is now a sponsor!!!

Updated: May 30, 2024

Wow, I haven't posted much in the ol' blog this year have I ?!?!

But that's not important. What is important is Empire Abrasives reached out and let me know I'd won their monthly flap disc give away and they think I've made some cool stuff!

This totally made my day!

I would have been happy at that, but then!!! Then we started talking a bit more, one thing lead to another, yada yada yada and BAM! I'm now sponsored by Empire Abrasives and I even have my own promo code!

Yah, great for you, woohoo, why should I care?!

Wow, no small talk just straight to the point today are we? OK then...

I'm excited because I've been using Empire Abrasives flap discs for three years now and they are the primary flap discs I use in the laboratory. For me, I find they last longer than the others I've tried.

Basically, this sponsorship means I get to save some money on abrasives I'd be using anyway and you can save some moolah too. So, win win, go team!

Oh yeah, and I got some stickers... 😎 Thanks again Empire Abrasives!

So stay tuned, the last half of the year is shaping up to be a fun ride with some new projects, new tools and some new friends maybe?!?!

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