It's a sudo known fact of the internet that any "real" maker needs to have a feature wall.
As a "Maker-neer" I had to make it a little different - Insert french cleat feature wall!
(Contains affiliate links) - Two sheets of birch plywood, some tablesaw-ing, add some vinyl stencils we custom cut here in the Laboratory, sprinkle on some tracing and woodburning, mix in just the right amount of wood stain and paint, put it back in the blender for a brad nail and glue up and voila -
Wiferneer and I turned two sheets of plywood into something we're proud to look at everyday!
Feel free to send me an email if you want some help building your own feature wall!
Montage mode unlocked!

I'm happy with how it turned out and it's slowly helping me become more organized now that things have a home.
I'ts been broken in a little since then, here's a pic from today!
